What Would Your Rock Say?
Last week I had the honor to spend the day with an amazing group of women with a local corporation. We participated in a larger event for the company's Women's Networking Program. After the main presentation, our small group gets together to debrief the topic, support and mentor each other.
It's been an honor to be with these women for the last four months. We have built relationships, dove into development and helped each other solve problems. This last friday was our last day together for the year. While bittersweet, I know I will get to watch these women grow in their development over the years.
During our small group, I provided an activity. The goal- to create statements or words on rocks that meant something to them-whether to remind them to be courageous, keep family a priority, etc. I told them they could share these with others. Keep them in a place only they knew about or display them proudly on their desks-whatever they desired.
I shared a story with them for the intention of this activity. When I first became an entrepreneur, I knew I needed courage. This was not something I planned, but after being let go from my corporate job, it was a path I felt I was meant to take. At that same time, I received a stone with the word Courage written on it. From that day forward, that stone has been in my purse. Always there as a reminder to have courage in all I do. Even after numerous purse changes, that stone is still with me.
I also purchased another stone in the last few years with the word Inspiration inscripted. Again, another reminder that my goal as a coach is to inspire others. These two stones are ones I reach for and touch before I walk into an event I am leading. I touch them before any big meeting or any time I walk into a coaching session. To remind me to be courageous and inspiring. It's been powerful for me. Spending just a moment touching or seeing these rocks brings forth my intention for the moment, something that can easily be forgotten or pushed aside when the stress or excitement for the moment can take over. I wanted this group of women to have their own rock(s) for whatever they needed them for. Great reminders for each of them.
This turned out to be such a fun and freeing activity. We talked and laughed while creating our rocks. Some got very creative (wish I could say that was me)! No matter what we wrote, the message meant something to each of us. I even received one - DREAM BIG. And you better believe I am keeping that with me in my purse! See our final results below!
If you had to define the words that would inspire or remind you of your priorities, dreams or goals, what would your rock say?
I would love you to share your words with me by commenting on this post.
To your growth, development and amazing potential,
Lisa Hayes
Leadership Coach
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